A Brief History of Oxon Limited

Oxon Limited is an Exchange company specialized in Stocks, Forex, cryptocurrecy trading and management of other commodities. Located in Australia, Oxon was founded to give people the means to quickly and securely invest in the space. Since then, the company has grown by leaps and bounds with hundreds of employees spanning the globe.

Oxon is regulated by ASIC which is Australia’s integrated corporate, duty bound to regulate financial and investment activities in Australia.

Since it started operations in 1997, Oxon Limited has demonstrated its capacity to create long-term value for the investors we advise. We have a solid reputation in asset allocation and have gained recognised expertise in selecting talented managers, by adopting an open architecture since the beginning.

The contribution of unlisted assets has enabled us to build a first-rate track record over the past years. In a context of extremely high risk rates and volatile financial markets, this unlisted investment strategy is particularly relevant and has delivered solid, long-term performances for our investors.

Our Expertise

Our ability to handle different financial and investment portfolios is what makes us stand out among others. We have established our expertise in different investment platforms such as real estate, blockchain, stocks, and other financial services/investment portfolios, we are always sure to do all that we legally can to ensure our customers’ funds and investments are safe.

We offer the best of assistance to our customers; our all-around prepared and cordial faculty guarantee that your funds are secure and also that they increase overtime.

We ensure to convey important networks to our customers with our constant endeavours to improve, advance, produce, and offer customized food and cooking administrations.

Future Aspirations

Every firm must always look forward to develop itself and set new targets. At Oxon Limited, we perceive this and are persistently searching for approaches to upgrade our image.

To begin with, we are continually seeking approaches to improve our administrations, particularly in customer relations, correspondence, and fulfillment. In the fact few years, we want to see our firm as the biggest financial firm and brand in the planet.

Secondly, the world has become digital. We have advanced our online activities to increase our brand identity and meet the growing needs of our customers. We have also included in our roadmap, plans to establish a unique personalized customer interaction service.

Our Mission

To carry out all our business operations with integrity and courtesy while ensuring maximum client satisfaction. We strive to offer and deliver the best investment services, offerings, and packages to our esteemed clients.

Our Values

Observing the highest financial / investment standards. All staff is extensively trained in global best practices in this regard. Giving top-notch customer service. We always strive to leave the customer satisfied and ready to return. To deliver on all our promises.

Our philosophy

The pillars of our investment approach is first, we identify investment opportunities arising from market inefficiencies, carry out detailed research, tailor portfolios appropriately and undertake thorough risk management.

Oxon Limited process has evolved over the years and has been tested in virtually every market environment. It integrates insights from our Cyclical Forums, which anticipate market and economic trends over the coming 6 to 12 months, and the annual Secular Forum, which projects trends over the coming three to five years. These top-down views are complemented by bottom-up perspectives from specialists and quantitative analysis of individual securities and portfolio construction. Oxon Limited Committee, which is composed of senior investment professionals, drives decision-making on a daily basis to ensure that we exceed our clients expectation.

We make use of empirical data to identify strategies or regions that offer improving or deteriorating characteristics. We focus on the long-term opportunities where strategy tailwinds exist, while seeking to avoid those with headwinds. Our procedure supplements rigorous qualitative investment research with proprietary quantitative analytics to paint a complete investment due diligence picture. By deconstructing our returns into component strategies, regions or asset classes, we are able to identify where we can add value and are differentiated. Using quantitative portfolio construction techniques, we determine the optimal blend of strategies and managers given portfolio risk, return and liquidity objectives. At the portfolio level, we monitor performances and risks relative to our stated objectives. We also scrutinize underlying investment theses and ensure rankings are still valid at the manager level.

Oxon Limited aims to realize opportunities for our clients, shareholders and people while meeting expectations of sound corporate governance. We are in business to be profitable, but it is the way we do business that defines us. Oxon Limited’ high standards for conduct are underpinned by What We Stand For, and our long-held principles of Opportunity, Accountability and Integrity. We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and in a way that enhances our reputation in the market. We are committed to ensuring our products and services are marketed appropriately and that clients are fairly treated. Business conduct and ethics are addressed within our existing risk management framework by establishing and maintaining an effective risk culture that drives good conduct. This is supported by a framework of policies, controls, processes and reporting mechanisms, in particular to manage compliance, legal, reputation and operational risks. Oxon Limited owns significant stakes in leading, high-quality, global companies. Through board participation, we work for continuous improvement of the performance of our companies. With our industrial experience, broad network and financial strength, we strive to make and keep our companies best-in-class. We always look at the opportunities and challenges facing each individual company. Our cash flow allows us to financially support strategic initiatives in our companies, capture investment opportunities and provide our clients with a steadily rising profit.

We have a dedicated team of risk professionals, with on-desk risk team and independent investment risk team. We recognize that risk management of alternative investments is a multi-dimensional activity, and no single method or measure can capture all elements of risk.

Detailed proprietary research identifies alternative investment managers that are generating differentiated return streams. Insights are shared within and across research groups to identify best-in-class, high conviction ideas.

Meet Our Professional Advisors

Alfonso Pellam
Portfolio Manager
Andrew Taylor
Portfolio Manager
Bernice Trembley
Portfolio Manager
David Odegard
Portfolio Manager
Floyd Virgil
Portfolio Manager
Jean Tao
Portfolio Manager
Owen Feng
Portfolio Manager
Paul Logan
Portfolio Manager
Payton Pelletier
Portfolio Manager